What is The Love Story?
“The Love Story” is a narrated feature, which you can add to most milestone events that will personalize your performance in ways you’ve never imagined before. Wedding ceremonies, receptions, birthdays, mitzvahs, and anniversaries are all made more entertaining, intimate, personalized, and meaningful with this feature.
Mark and Rebecca created the concept & have been performing it since 1989, so you will learn why & how it was intended to be used and delivered from the people who are immeasurably qualified to teach it.
This is a workshop; not a seminar. You will be taught – hands on – how use storytelling and acting skills to create more value for you and your clients. You will practice and improve and be coached with techniques and in ways that might be new for you. You will overcome the fear of public speaking learning easy techniques, and using repetition that gives you a model and confidence.
You will learn ways to make The Love Story more powerful, more meaningful, and more valuable than you’ve ever seen. This workshop will transform the way you approach your performance and your business. You’ll gain new confidence in your abilities and the value you offer.
Using the MarBecca Method, you’ll become worth more to your clients and make entertaining your audiences much easier.
Bronze Level
The Bronze Level is the first level introduction to “The Love Story” concept and performance and covers the basics of delivery and methodology. You will learn to interpret copy for a more entertaining and meaningful result, how to gather & compile information, how to place it in the order of events, and all other basic aspects “The Love Story”.
You will also see actual video footage of a MarBecca Love Story presentation complete with the logistics, lead-in, performance, and transition!
Silver Level
The Silver Level is the intermediate level Love Story workshop and picks up where the Bronze Level leaves off. The Silver Level covers assigning emotion to words and phrasing, working with commercial copy, exploring motivation, and much more mic & review time. Heavy emphasis on voice acting and storytelling skills, and finding the truth in the copy.
Gold Level
The Gold Level is the advanced level Love Story workshop. Building on what performers accomplished in the Bronze and Silver Levels, the Gold Level is all about applying acting and storytelling skills – immediate direction, and immediate application. The Gold Level is nearly all stage time and review.
This is the most exciting workshop and the one with the biggest strides in advancement! With the fundamentals behind you, it’s where your performance explodes to true artistic expression. This is the Mastery workshop.